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Northern Dawn Feminized Cannabis Seeds

Northern Dawn Feminized Cannabis Seeds

Reviews: 40
  • Aromatherapy at its finest
  • You'll feel on top of the world with up to a massive 33% THC
  • Limonene and pinene deliver citrus
  • Northern Dawn cannabis seeds allow you to grow this remarkable hybrid in your own garden. Northern Dawn is a sativa-dominant hybrid packed with THC and premium genetics from its iconic parents, Northern Lights and Amnesia Haze. As part of our feminized seeds range, Northern Dawn seeds produce bud-bearing females in virtually every instance. Plants grown with Northern Dawn seeds...Show more

    Northern Dawn Feminized Cannabis Seeds profile

    THC Level
    CBD level
    Max Yield indoor
    450 - 550
    Max Yield outdoor
    450 - 550
    Height indoor
    80 - 150
    View all information
    Flowering style
    Harvest month
    Flowering time
    8-10 Weeks
    Greenhouse, Indoor, Outdoor
    Muscle spasms
    Temperate continental
    Sunny mediterranean

    Northern Dawn Feminized Cannabis Seeds

    Northern Dawn cannabis seeds allow you to grow this remarkable hybrid in your own garden. Northern Dawn is a sativa-dominant hybrid packed with THC and premium genetics from its iconic parents, Northern Lights and Amnesia Haze. As part of our feminized seeds range, Northern Dawn seeds produce bud-bearing females in virtually every instance.


    Plants grown with Northern Dawn seeds display an indica growth profile, despite being sativa-dominant. Foliage is thick and plentiful, and branches and stems are strong. These desirable qualities and high natural resistance to common pests make Northern Dawn fem seeds great for beginners.


    Cannabis grown with Northern Dawn feminized seeds delivers a supremely uplifting dose of cerebral effects backed up with a relaxing body stone. High amounts of THC make for a potent and stimulating psychoactive experience. Its soothing physical properties make this a strain best enjoyed in the evenings.


    Continue reading for a full breakdown of this strain’s flavors, fragrance, effects, medicinal applications, and genetic info. If you plan to grow Northern Dawn marijuana seeds yourself, you’ll find growing tips for indoors and out and our germination guide below.


    What are Northern Dawn feminized cannabis seeds?


    Breeders developed feminized cannabis seeds to lower the difficulty of raising an all-female crop of cannabis. Feminized Northern Dawn seeds formed without male chromosomes, which means they develop into female plants 99.9% of the time. Apart from this crucial difference, feminized marijuana seeds produce the same quality of buds as regular cannabis seeds.


    Before moving on, here’s a brief overview of Northern Dawn’s key details. 


    - Strain Name: Northern Dawn feminized seeds

    - Phenotype: Sativa-dominant

    - Genetic Background: Northern Lights x Amnesia Haze 

    - THC: 33%

    - CBD: 0–2%

    - Flowering Time: 8–10 weeks

    - Effects: Stimulating, euphoric, relaxing

    - Medical applications: Pain, anxiety, tension

    - Flavor / Aroma: Tropical/citrus, herbal, pine

    - Dominant terpenes: limonene, pinene, beta-caryophyllene, myrcene

    - Indoor yield: 16–19 oz. per m²

    - Outdoor yield: 16–19 oz. per plant

    - Height: 2.5–5 feet

    - Grow Difficulty: Beginner


    What are Northern Dawn feminized effects?


    Cannabis grown with Northern Dawn seeds provides you with a double dose of powerful mental and physical effects. While the focus is on its stimulating sativa side inherited from Amnesia Haze, its indica effects don’t disappoint.


    Spark a bowl filled with resinous Northern Dawn buds, and its cerebral effects emerge quickly. The fruity smoke goes straight to your head, and soon you’ll feel on top of the world under its euphoric spell. The positive vibes are enhanced with an injection of vibrant energy that’s a fantastic accompaniment to any activity.


    Artistically inclined smokers, expect cannabis grown from Northern Dawn fem seeds to get your creative juices flowing. The heady cerebral buzz lets you view the world from a new, psychedelically-heightened perspective, allowing you to form new, inspired observations.


    Once the upbeat sativa buzz starts to wane, you’ll feel the influence of Northern Dawn’s indica side take over. The relaxing effects guide you gently back to earth, leaving you feeling laid back and carefree. As the calming buzz works its way throughout your body, its soft touch relieves tension without causing couchlock or brain fog.


    Smoking larger amounts enhances its chilled-out qualities, and you’ll still be free to move around should the need arise. As many users find Northern Dawn cannabis brings on extreme munchies, keep some snacks on hand. Once you’ve satisfied your hunger, you’ll become increasingly sleepy, eventually slipping into a deep slumber.


    Cannabis grown from Northern Dawn feminized seeds contains high THC levels at around 33% and minor amounts of CBD between 0–2%. Those with low tolerance levels are advised to adopt a one-hit-and-quit approach with this strain. The potent psychoactive effects may overwhelm less experienced smokers who fail to pace themselves.


    Should you smoke more than you planned, the side effects are pretty harmless. Pushing past your limit may result in brief dizzy spells or mild feelings of anxiety or paranoia. Take a breather, drink some water, sit out a few rounds, and these feelings pass quickly.


    What does Northern Dawn feminized smell like?


    Grow Northern Dawn seeds, and you’ll harvest a haul of resin-coated buds containing a cocktail of fragrance-enhancing terpenes. Limonene, pinene, beta-caryophyllene, and myrcene come together to create this strain’s inviting aroma and flavor.


    Fresh buds exude a fruity fragrance with herbal undertones and hints of pine and earth. The smell becomes quite pervasive as flowering progresses, which may present issues for stealth growers. Use a carbon filter extraction system to soak up the bold scents from your plants.


    The aroma of the buds intensifies and gains complexity during the curing process. Fully-cured nugs ooze a rich mix of tropical citrus, herbs, and fresh pine needles. Breaking open the crystal-coated flowers releases a musky earthiness and a slight hint of exotic spices.


    Notes of pine and musk are prominent in the thick smoke from Northern Dawn seed-grown buds, balancing out the lighter fruity elements. Inhale, and you’re greeted with a flood of sweet and sour citrus flavors on the tongue. The exhale tastes of earth and pine, and there’s a gentle lingering aftertaste of herbs.


    How to germinate Northern Dawn feminized seeds


    Your growing adventure with fem Northern Dawn seeds begins with germination. With our high-quality seeds, this should be the simplest part of cultivating your own crop of Northern Dawn buds. Our germination guarantee covers all our marijuana seeds, and we have an easy-to-follow germination guide for you below.


    All you need to do to qualify for our germination guarantee is to follow our germination guide and take photo or video evidence of each step as you go.


    Get together some purified water, paper towels, and two plates. We’re using purified or bottled water as it’s free of chlorine and other trace elements that you may find in tap water. When you’re ready, follow these steps:


    - Moisten two paper towels with water and wring out any excess liquid after. They should be damp, but not dripping wet.


    - Take a plate, cover with a damp towel, and arrange your Northern Dawn feminized seeds on top. Leave about an inch between marijuana each seed before covering them with another towel. Turn over the second plate and use it as a lid for the first, closing the cannabis seeds inside.


    - Find a dark, warm place for your Northern Dawn seeds, such as a drawer, wardrobe, or cupboard. Check your cannabis seeds every 12 hours while ensuring the paper towels remain damp throughout the process.


    - Your fem Northern Dawn seeds should start opening within a day or two, but some might take up to five days. Move any opened cannabis seeds and plant them an inch deep with the taproot facing down.


    If you’re new to growing, check out our dedicated germination guide. You’ll find lots of photos and videos explaining every step of the process in detail.


    Northern Dawn feminized seeds grow guide


    Although this strain is sativa-dominant, plants grown from Northern Dawn seeds inherit most of their growth characteristics from Northern Lights. This is great news for cultivators, as the stout indica profile and high resistances make growing a low-stress endeavor. Farmers of all skills achieve excellent results with this robust, easy-to-grow hybrid.


    Plant your Northern Dawn feminized seeds in organic soil to boost the fragrance and flavor of the cannabis. Microorganisms in the soil facilitate enhanced terpene development, resulting in better-tasting buds.


    Hydroponically growing your Northern Dawn seeds is another viable option but may cost more initially. The precise nutrient control afforded by hydro setups results in improved growth rates and correspondingly higher yields.


    Indoor growers should provide their growing plot with sufficient light coverage of at least 600 watts. Speed up vegetative growth by keeping your temperatures at 69–79°F and using an 18:6 or 20:4 photoperiod. Keep air flowing through the plants with regular pruning. If you’ve got some experience, use low-stress training methods to spread out the limbs, helping with airflow and light penetration.


    Cannabis grown from Northern Dawn fem seeds flowers for 8–10 weeks. Expect a significant stretch once flowering kicks in; be prepared to adjust your lights. Keep the plants well-pruned until harvest, where your indoor plot should yield 16–19 oz. /m².


    Fem Northern Dawn seeds grow well outdoors, even in cooler conditions, but you’ll get the best results in warm, sunny climates. A Screen of Green (ScrOG) system works excellently outside if you’ve got the space. Scrogging trains your plants laterally, keeping their profile low while allowing them to get the most from the sun.


    If you’re growing feminized Northern Dawn seeds in the Northern Hemisphere, aim to harvest around October. Flowering takes 8–10 weeks, during which, keep the plants well-pruned while avoiding overfeeding. Each Northern Dawn plant yields 16–19 oz. of top-quality cannabis in ideal conditions.


    What are Northern Dawn feminized strain genetics?


    Breeders created feminized Northern Dawn seeds by combining two iconic, well-loved strains; Dutch coffee shop favorite, Northern Lights, and the unforgettable Amnesia Haze. The resulting hybrid is a match made in heaven, fusing the best qualities of its parents into a new, unique smoking experience.


    Our first proud parent is the deliciously narcotic Northern Lights. This indica cultivar produces tough, compact plants whose stupendously resinous buds hit like a freight train. Its colorful, pine-flavored buds are a favorite among medicinal and recreational users alike.


    The other genetic donor of Northern Dawn fem seeds is Amnesia Haze. This stimulating sativa is a top wake-and-bake choice for smokers everywhere. The energetic and uplifting buzz of its sharp, fruity buds livens up your day with a mood-boosting, slightly psychedelic set of cerebral properties.


    The resulting offspring is truly a best-of-both scenario. The electrifying cerebral qualities and zesty tropical flavors of Amnesia Haze are present, but gone are its delicate profile and sensitive nature. Instead, Northern Lights genetics provide a tough indica structure, impressive resin-production, and a dash of its soothing indica effects.


    Wellness and Northern Dawn feminized seeds


    The psychoactive qualities of cannabis grown with Northern Dawn seeds mean it’s not your typical medicinal choice. CBD levels are also low, limiting its analgesic potential. Despite that, users seeking medicinal/recreational overlap may find these buds more therapeutic than they thought.


    The profoundly elevating and animating sativa side of Northern Dawn has the potential to eliminate lethargy in small doses. The refreshing qualities could be just the thing to kick-start your motor and get you over the hump. Its inescapably positive buzz is enough to paint the world in a kinder light and provide a dose of optimism.


    Cannabis grown from Northern Dawn feminized seeds gets its physical effects from Northern Lights, a popular medicinal strain. While Northern Dawn’s sedative effects aren’t as profound as its parent’s, it may still provide relief for various physical issues. A bowl or two provides slow-release relaxation with the potential to soothe tired, aching muscles and ease low to moderate pain.


    If you haven’t been eating well, the hunger pangs induced by these buds may help stimulate a healthy appetite. The gentle, relaxing properties gradually become more sedative at higher intake levels. If you’ve gone off-schedule with your sleep, a few after-dinner hits of Northern Dawn should have you sufficiently sleepy come bedtime.


    Disclaimer: This medical marijuana information is not advice and should not be treated as such. Please seek professional medical advice.


    Northern Dawn feminized seeds: Frequently Asked Questions


    Read on for a quickfire Q&A round on growing Northern Dawn feminized seeds.


    Where can I get free Northern Dawn feminized seeds?


    Keep our cheap cannabis seeds page bookmarked, and you might find free Northern Dawn seeds in our buy-one-get-one offer. The marijuana seeds in our BOGO change regularly, so check back often. You’ll also find other reduced-price cannabis seeds and special promotions here.


    Can a beginner grow Northern Dawn feminized seeds?


    Absolutely. These Northern Dawn seeds are highly accommodating to novice growers. These marijuana seeds are packed with winning genetics from their legendary parents and produce sturdy, tolerant plants.

    Added resistance to pests, mold, and mildew make this strain even more suitable for beginners. Less-experienced growers shouldn’t have any major issues growing a bumper crop of cannabis with fem Northern Dawn seeds.


    What is Northern Dawn feminized flower time?


    Plants grown from Northern Dawn fem seeds take 8–10 weeks to move through their flowering stage. Bud size and resin production see a sharp increase in the final few weeks, so avoid harvesting early for better yields.


    How long do Northern Dawn feminized seeds take to germinate?


    Your Northern Dawn fem seeds should germinate within 1–5 days. Our marijuana seeds are highly viable, but some may have naturally thicker casings, causing slower germination.


    In the unlikely event of unopened marijuana seeds, get in touch, and we’ll replace them for you under our germination guarantee.


    How long does it take Northern Dawn feminized from seeds to harvest?


    While results vary based on setup, photoperiod, etc., an estimate for growing Northern Dawn seeds from seed to harvest is about 20–24 weeks.


    We can break this timeline down as follows. One week for germination, another three to complete the seedling phase and enter vegetative growth, giving us four weeks. Add another 8–10 weeks of vegging, and finally the flowering period of 8–10 weeks, for a combined total of 20–24 weeks.


    Grow medium: Northern Dawn feminized hydro or soil?


    You’ll get great results growing Northern Dawn cannabis seeds in any medium, so the choice is up to you. Soil setups are cheap, straightforward, and improve the terpene profile of your cannabis. Organic soil-grown buds have an enhanced taste and fragrance. 


    Hydroponic setups are more costly and technical, but they allow you to deliver precise amounts of nutrients for explosive growth and increased yields.


    What is the average Northern Dawn feminized height?


    Northern Dawn feminized seeds develop into plants reaching around 2.5–5 feet tall. You’ll get the tallest specimens outdoors in good conditions, but indoor specimens also stretch quite a bit if they have the space.


    Where can I find pictures of Northern Dawn feminized marijuana?


    Our Northern Dawn Feminized Homegrown Diaries has more shots of this resinous beauty. Our diaries section is home to user-submitted grow journals on various strains. You’ll find progress and harvest pics here and a valuable look at the growing process.


    Once your order arrives, start your own diary to track your progress growing Northern Dawn seeds. We love seeing the fruits of your labor, and you’ll be helping out other budding cultivators by sharing your journey.


    Where is the best place to buy Northern Dawn feminized seeds in the USA?


    Homegrown cannabis Co. is the only place you’ll find these Northern Dawn seeds for sale. Order from us for guaranteed quality, proven genetics, and high viability with every purchase.


    Place your order, and our team packs your cannabis seeds discreetly and mails them to your door. If you have any questions about the ordering process, contact our customer support team, who’ll be happy to help.


    Do you stock other Northern Dawn seed variants?


    While it’s not always possible, we offer seed variants for as many cultivars as possible. 


    Regular marijuana seeds are naturally formed seeds with a full set of chromosomes. This means the seeds have an equal chance of developing into males or females. Male plants produce no buds, but growers interested in breeding or creating hybrids rely on them. Males pollinate females, transferring their genetics to the seeds formed on the female.


    Feminized cannabis seeds like our Northern Dawn seeds don’t have male chromosomes. Without these, feminized cannabis seeds develop into female plants 99.9% of the time. Avoid the genetic lottery of regular seeds and ensure an all-female crop by using feminized marijuana seeds.


    Autoflower marijuana seeds are the offspring of strains crossed with ruderalis genetics. Cannabis ruderalis flowers regardless of photoperiod length. Ruderalis hybrids, or auto variants, inherit this trait, eliminating the need for lighting management and allowing for year-round outdoor cultivation. Autoflower plants tend to grow much shorter and flower faster than their regular or feminized variants.


    Are there any other names for Northern Dawn feminized?

    You may come across this cultivar under the name “Aurora Borealis,” a reference to the Northern Lights. Apart from this, we’re unaware of any other nicknames for these Northern Dawn seeds.


    Spelling errors

    The majority of spelling mistakes we see people make when searching for Northern Dawn seeds are simple typing errors. “Nothren Dawn,” Northern Dwan,” or similar slip-ups shouldn’t affect your search too much.


    Join Homegrown Forum and share your stories! Post your Northern Dawn feminized pics, and any Northern Dawn feminized seeds grow reports you might have. We can't get enough Northern Dawn feminized images; those crystals drive us wild!


    If you want to stock buy bulk Northern Dawn feminized seeds, please head to our wholesale page for amazing bulk buy discounts. Available to all verified customers. Our Northern Dawn feminized seeds for sale are the same for normal and commercial customers.


    We're not just an American cannabis seed company; we are an American cannabis brand.
