Impressions about plant
Okay Day 2 : change water and make it 100% distilled water because EC is too high digga.
cleared most residu today around 11l out of the 15 put last week.
before putting in, the ph was measured 5.9 and EC 1 (5l)
after put in, the combined mix ph :6.2 and EC 1.15
lets see the ph several hours after being put in if change again.
also put the canopy closer to light (45 cm) lets see if okay
day 3 : damn the pump stopped from working, the roots suffered. GOd damn. yeah roots suffered not from 20 min of spacetime, too acid, but simply no water.
so put the green pump but not perfect because too spaced. bought 10e pump from amazon
day 4 : pump received, put in and lets see. Acid too alcaline now. So put a lot of acid, even by pouring acid down.
day 5 : god damn now the ph is too low like 3. put 5 liters of distilled water still doesn't move. put another 5 l of tap water damn still at 3.
going to yoga, when come back if still the same, then probably I would need to change the whole system water. also the pump was working this morning but the red caps were blocked... goddamn what the hell is going on.
hypothesis :
3 ml / l of biogrow maybe too much (block)
the pump maybe doesn't have a good filter.
night before sleep : okay some small stones blocked the pipes... goddamn it
now I fill the tank 20 liters. lets hope that there wouldn't be any pump or pire problem anymore
day 6 : so before leaving the ph is 5.2 EC 0.65 ish. lets see in 3 days. (this is with like 0.25 bottle of tap water (fresh). will this be to alcaline? Boy I had difficulty turning the too acid to alcaline so lets see how this is.
btw new roots (white) visible on lower right.
pump gets broken : not because of the deposits of the fertilizer but because of stones and because of low level of water. So put 20 liters min next time. (like always)