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Mama Thai Regular

Mama Thai Regular

Reviews: 0
  • Pure Sativa
  • High THC
  • Grows Anywhere
  • The flavor and effects of Mama Thai make it one of the most impressive Sativas in the HMG catalog. With a menu that is abundant of top-shelf Sativa variants, that is most certainly a praise to be proud of. From several Thai phenotypes, a vigorous growing and early maturing cannabis was hand-picked and blended with a Skunk. The mix resulted in a hybrid with Thai Sativa-leaning c...Show more

    Mama Thai Regular

    The flavor and effects of Mama Thai make it one of the most impressive Sativas in the HMG catalog. With a menu that is abundant of top-shelf Sativa variants, that is most certainly a praise to be proud of. From several Thai phenotypes, a vigorous growing and early maturing cannabis was hand-picked and blended with a Skunk. The mix resulted in a hybrid with Thai Sativa-leaning characteristics but with a shorter flowering period.

    Eventually named Mama Thai, the daytime cannabis has a THC content of around 22%. It shares a strong yet clear cerebral high, along with a physically energizing effect, in modest dosages. The profound, giggly euphoria kicks in fast and is long-lasting. However, it can also send the mind in a subtly hallucinogenic journey paired with a caffeine buzz-like jumpiness in above moderate doses, so those with low THC tolerance should be cautious.

    Currently more preferred by connoisseurs than by growers for yield, the average crop of Mama Thai is less than other Sativas. Enthusiasts of this cultivar, however, do not mind the slightly less harvest as its light and fluffy buds are more than worth it. It has the premium traits of a Thai Sativa -- effective, super resistant, and handles heat like a true tropical landrace -- but finishes fruiting faster, making it an excellent cultivar for beginners. Its regular seeds from Homegrown Cannabis Co produce both male and female plants. They can be cultivated for consumption and breeding.

    Growing Mama Thai from Regular Seeds

    Think of Mama Thai as the new and improved version of Thai Sativa, also known as Thai Sticks. Boasting of landrace genetics from South East Asia, the plant can handle heat and humidity well. It also prospers in both soil and hydroponic systems. One challenge with this cultivar, however, is its tendency to stretch. If space is limited or growing a tree-like cannabis is not desired, performing training techniques is required. The plant also needs a large pot for optimal root development.

    Mama Thai is best grown in a controlled environment for maximum yield. To achieve this, while also keeping its height manageable, set up a Screen of Green (ScrOG) grow. Also give it a comfortable home with temperatures between 20 to 26°C and RH levels around 40 to 50%. After 11 weeks of flowering, up to 450 grams of sticky, fragrant flowers per square meter are ready for harvest.

    Growers located in places with a warm climate, such as those around the Mediterranean and California, can rear Mama Thai outdoors. Find it a spot with direct access to sunlight so that it can yield 450 to 550 grams of crops per head. In the northern hemisphere, the colas are optimal for collection by early November, hopefully before the frost sets in.

    Fragrance and Flavor

    Mama Thai is rich in Ocimene and Humulene, giving its flowers a sweet yet musty citrus zest. There is also a subtle skunky and sandalwood-like undertones that make its smell and taste profile distinct.


    Being a potent Sativa with around 22% THC content, Mama Thai has an insane, speedy head high. Consuming this bud is like hitting the road with a sports car; users get to their destination fast, but they should also know when they need to hit the break.

    In low to moderate dosages, expect a giggly euphoria that sets in quick and lasts longer than usual. The cerebral effect also clears mental cobwebs, allowing the mind to operate without getting bogged down. Physically, it shares a vigor-boosting influence, so staying active is never a problem. The bud is best paired with activities that require concentration or when there's a need to increase productivity while maintaining a positive mental state.

    When enjoyed in high doses, the mild psychedelia can get a little hallucinogenic, sending less experienced users in an edgy situation. It can cause dizziness, increased anxiousness, or even paranoia. The flower can also induce a jumpy, caffeine overdosed-like body buzz. As with most high-THC variants, it can also bring about dry eyes and cottonmouth.

    Mama Thai Regular Seeds

    Mama Thai is super resistant, handles heat and humidity well, and flowers faster than most Sativa variants. Its regular seeds from Homegrown Cannabis Co are excellent for beginners, as well as breeders, as they produce both male and female plants. When consumed, its light, fluffy buds share a euphoric cerebral high and a physically energizing effect. Even nicer, it ensures an experience that is without stress, pain, or fatigue.
